Services provided
Translating, reviewing and proofreading of :
- monographs
- press articles
- catalogues
- websites
- specialised works
- novels and short stories
- reports
- academic papers
- Powerpoint displays
Types of documents :
- Word
- Powerpoint
- Publisher
Rough translation :
Price : 0,06 € per word of source text.
Completed translation :
Indicative price : 0,12 € per word of source text.
Extra charge for urgent or difficult work.
Proofreading :
Indicative price : 0,10 € per word of source text.
Extra charge if edits and rewrites are numerous.
Request a quote now
- Translation in English of “Les Vigiles de Saint-Martial (English title “Pilgrimage to Limoges), April 2017.-
- CISM documents, September 2016-May 2017.
- CISM Protocol Guide, June 2016.
- Product description for the jewelry maker Réminiscence, July 2016.
- Observatory for Plurilingualism, Newsletter, 2014-2016
- Naturisme TV commercial proposition, January 2014.
- The earthenware jar route, Georges CHÂTAIN, 2013.
- Campings TV commercial proposition, January 2013.
- Campings TV website, since 2012 : Translation of voice-over in 10 videos ; translation of dialogues and subtitles of 20 videos
- European Council of Literary Translator’s Associations (CEATL), web pages, 2011.
- Naturisme TV website, 2011-2016 : Translation of texts and dialogues, and subtitling of 70 videos (30 mn in average)
- Naturisme TV commercial proposition, September 2011.
- Advertising leaflet for a ceramic workshop, Association Obia, September 2011.
- Poterie usuelle contemporaine, Pierre DIGAN, revue Obia n°3, 161 p., 2011.